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[TCT2008] Gary S. Mintz教授访谈:血管内超声虚拟组织成像的应用

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2008/10/30 12:30:00    加入收藏
 关键字:血管内超声 药物洗脱支架 冠心病猝死 
International Circulation: This July, you published an article entitled “In Vivo Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound Correlates of Risk Factors for Sudden Coronary Death in Men: Results from the Prospective, Multi-Centre Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound Registry” in European Heart Journal. Results showed that the ratio of necrotic core to calcification detected by VH-IVUS in diseased coronary segments is related to known risk factors for SCD. Would you like to comment about those results? Professor Mintz: It was a very simple study based on the Volcano VH Global Registry, where we looked at total vessel necrotic core and total vessel dense calcium. Eduardo Missel, who was working with us, had the idea to construct a ratio, because calcium tends to stabilize coronaries and is a marker of stabilization, while necrotic core is a marker of high risk. He compared that to known risk factors for sudden death and he found some very interesting correlations. I don’t think that this necessarily should be used as a predictor of sudden death in individual patients, but rather further evidence that these virtual histology measurements do have some biologic validity.

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