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[CIT2011]第一代和第二代DES:改进和局限——David E. Kandzari教授访谈
First and Second-Generation DES: Advances and Limitations——Live Interview with Prof. David E. Kandzari

作者:DavidE.Kandzari 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/3/18 14:35:17    加入收藏
 关键字:DES 药物洗脱支架 David E. Kandzari 
I prefer not to differentiate between the drug eluting stents as to regards to whether they are first, second or more advanced generations. I Think what we have learnt is a broader theme from comparative DES trials is that not all stents are created equally whether they are polymers, comprised of metal or contain drugs which are anti-proliferative.

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